St. John’s P.E. Rectory, Staten Island

Address: 1331 Bay Street
Architect: (likely) Arthur Gilman
Constructed: 1881
LPC Action: Public Hearing 9/13/1966; 10/11/1966
LPC Backlog Hearing: Prioritized for designation

Designated on June 28, 2016

Fact Sheet | Research File

HDC Testimony

This charming rectory is believed to pre-date the adjacent St. John’s Church, an individual landmark that was completed in 1871. According to the designation report for the church, the rectory was designed by the same architect as the church, Arthur Gilman, and completed in 1862. The Victorian structure features a stone base and cedar shingles, with projecting bays and carved wood details. The building complements the church’s bucolic Gothic Revival façades, which include granite cladding and a picturesque carved wooden entrance porch. When the church was designated in 1974, the rectory was omitted due to the church leadership’s plans to make exterior changes to the building. In 2015, however, the rectory is in fine condition and should take its rightful place as a landmark alongside the church.


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