432-446 6th St
J. J. Collins attributed

The Queen Anne style, popular from about 1870 to 1890, is characterized by an asymmetrical massing of forms and details, contrasting materials, colors and textures, eccentric details, projecting bay windows, juxtaposition of window pane size, multi-paneled wood doors, multiple, tiled or slate-covered gables, with dormers and chimneys.

This group of houses developed by Theresa B. Collins are a notable example of this style. Although the design is attributed to her husband, they have a striking resemblance to a group of houses designed by prominent architect C. P. H. Gilbert at 54-64 Prospect Place. Collins hired Gilbert in 1887 to build four houses at 340-344 9th Street in the newly popular Queen Anne style, and would later commission another six houses to be built at Prospect Park West. Gilbert would go on to create some of Park Slope’s most eclectic and beautiful rowhouses, designing mansions for the elite in several Brooklyn neighborhoods, as well as in Manhattan.

