26 East Loop Road
Ca. 1910
This block bounded by East Loop Road and East Entry Road is among the earliest to be developed for residential use in the area. It originally was the location of three great mansions, of which only one remains today.
The only remaining house of this group was the family home of merchant James
G. Clark Jr., who’s father and grandfather had been prominent physicians on Staten
Island. The striking two-story frame structure is located at 26 East Loop Road (2c), and
maintains many of its original Neo-Classical features, most notably a two-story porch
with a pointed pediment. After Clark’s death in 1930, the family sold the mansion to John
D. Leggett, a manufacturer from New Brighton. Leggett lived there with his family until
his passing in 1946. The lot was subdivided in 1986, and two new houses were constructed.
Photo: Courtesy of the NYC Municipal Archive