Station Square
Grosvenor Atterbury and Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr., 1912-16
National Register Property
Designed as the gateway to and commercial center of Forest Hills Gardens, Station Square is a brick-paved plaza surrounded by shops, a former hotel, apartment buildings and the Long Island Railroad (LIRR) train station. LIRR shared the construction cost with the Sage Homes Foundation and the Cord Meyer Corporation, and the station was completed in 1913. The unified design of the square’s surrounding buildings and relationship to the architectural vocabulary of Forest Hills Gardens provides a pleasing and welcoming atmosphere that reinforces the area’s small-town character. The square is integral to Atterbury’s groundbreaking urban ideals, allowing residents to get everything they needed on foot. The square gained fame on July 4, 1917, when Theodore Roosevelt spoke at a dedication ceremony for the square’s flagpole. Taking place just months after America had become involved in World War I, the former U.S. President gave an impassioned speech in support of this action. In 1997, the Friends of Station Square launched a fundraising campaign, which resulted in a $5 million restoration by the MTA/LIRR. Friends also launched a separate fundraising campaign to landscape the square as it had been planned by Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. Station Square is listed on the State and National list of Historic Properties.