133-135 and 137 Oak Street

Philemon Tillion, 1901
Theobold Engelhardt, 1887

133 and 135 Oak Street, mirror images of one another, were designed with Romanesque and Renaissance Revival elements. Architectural features include rusticated stone lintels, brick arches, full-height projecting bays, ornate iron gates and galvanized iron cornices. 137 Oak Street is an Italianate structure that originally served as the Greenpoint Home for the Aged. This building is set back from the street by a large front lawn surrounded by an iron fence, and its design incorporates decorative brickwork, Romanesque Revival arches, a central projecting qabay with a triangular pediment, an iron balcony on the second story and an ornate, bracketed iron cornice. 133-135 and 137 Oak Street are located within the Greenpoint Historic District, and the State and National Register Historic District boundaries.
