1146-1150 Dean Street, The Granleden Apartments, 1164-1182 Dean Street

George P. Chappell, 1891
1149-1153 and 1155-1157 Dean Street
Axel Hedman, 1906

1164-1182 Dean Street
George P. Chappell, 1889

1146-1150 Dean Street is unusual for the architectural character of Crown Heights North. The Renaissance Revival style buildings are bold in their horizontality, with unified cornice lines above the first floor and roof, thin rows of rough-faced brick with terra cotta bands at every fourth course, and horizontal striations at the parlor floor. The trio is arranged in an A-B-A pattern, but is not symmetrical, which is most apparent in the placement of the stoops. Across the street is a pair of flats buildings called The Granleden Apartments. Constructed in the early 20th century when multiple dwellings were becoming more popular and economically beneficial, each building has eight apartments (two per floor). Its rich Renaissance Revival style façades have retained much of their original terra cotta ornament, as well as their fanciful bronze grille doors and wrought iron fire escapes. Further down the block is an unusual group of ten houses in a variety of material textures and rooflines, including Flemish stepped gables on the far ends and prominent mansard roofs in the center.

Each site is located in the Crown Heights North Historic District and the State and National Register of Historic Places Crown Heights North Historic District.
